thanks to you and bobpursley

so am i doing better than last time. i'm really trying here.

Yes. You're doing great! I think you're beginning to understand Eastern religions! Fantastic! :-)

I'm glad to hear that you're putting effort and trying to learn. It's always important to stay committed and keep learning. It's possible that you may be doing better than last time, but without specific information about your previous progress, it's difficult to make a direct comparison.

If you want to track your progress, here are a few suggestions:

1. Review your study materials: Go through the material you covered previously and see if you understand it better now. If you find concepts or ideas easier to grasp, it's a sign that you're making progress.

2. Self-assessment: Take quizzes or practice tests on the topics you've been studying. Compare your scores to previous attempts, and look for improvements. Progress is not just about getting a higher score, but about deeper comprehension and understanding.

3. Feedback from others: Share your insights and understanding with your peers, teachers, or study groups. Engage in discussions and ask for feedback. Their input can help you assess your progress and identify areas where you can improve.

Remember, learning is a continuous process, and progress differs from person to person. Keep up the good work, stay motivated, and don't be discouraged by setbacks. Keep challenging yourself, and you'll continue to improve!