In what way is Islam most likely to impact Muslims during their work days?

A. they must leave work early
B. they will not participate in leisure activities after work
C. they cannot have certain jobs
D. they need to pause during their work to pray





-Blue ^~^

Thanks so much for the answer Ms. Sue. Almost every single last answer you've ever given someone has been true, and I appreciate it so much!! I get 100% on almost every test because of you.

That's not good

Buck off you cnt


TyyTyy. Blue is right, it got me a 100 (;

tysm Blue^~^ is right bc i got a hunnidd ;P


Lesson 2: Life in Saudi Arabia

Social Studies 7 B Unit 2: Southwest Asia


Connexus 7 grade
Correct trust me

To find the correct answer, we need to understand how Islam may impact Muslims during their workdays. Islam is a religion that involves certain practices and rituals that Muslims are expected to observe. These practices can vary among individuals and cultures, but one of the most significant ways that Islam might impact Muslims in their daily lives is by requiring them to pause during their work to pray.

Prayer is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and Muslims are required to perform five daily prayers at specific times. These prayer times are spread throughout the day and are obligatory for practicing Muslims. Depending on the specific prayer times and the length of the prayer, Muslims may need to take a brief break or pause during their work to perform these prayers. This pause can vary in duration and may range from a few minutes to longer breaks, depending on the individual and their workplace.

Given this information, the answer to the question would be option D: Muslims may need to pause during their work to pray. This is a significant aspect of Islamic practice that can impact the daily routine of Muslims in their workplaces.