1. Larissa is painting boards for her mom's fence. Her mom gave her 6 2/3 gallons of paint. Each board takes 1/5 gallon. Can larissa paint all 30 boards? My answer is yes.. 33 1/3

2. How many spice racks can marie make if she has 5 2/5 feet of lumber and the kind of spice rack she wants to make requires 1 3/4 feet of lumber? My answer is 3 5/21...

Is my answers all correct?

Paint needed: 30*1/5=6gallons

she has more paint than that.

on the spice rack, she can make 5/21 of a rack, only whole numbers of racks.

3*1.75= number of feet of lumber for three racks, or 5 1/4 feet used, she has barely more than that, so the answer is 3 spicr racks.

Yes. She actually can 33 1/3 boards.

Let's check your answers:

1. Larissa has been given 6 2/3 gallons of paint, and each board requires 1/5 gallon. To find out if Larissa can paint all 30 boards, we need to determine the total amount of paint needed and compare it to the amount she has.

The number of boards can be calculated by dividing the total amount of paint by the amount needed per board. So, using the given information:

Total paint needed = 30 boards * (1/5 gallon per board) = 6 gallons

Comparing this to the amount of paint Larissa has (6 2/3 gallons), it is clear that she has more than enough paint to complete all 30 boards. Therefore, your answer of 33 1/3 boards is incorrect. The correct answer is that Larissa can paint all 30 boards.

2. Marie has 5 2/5 feet of lumber, and each spice rack requires 1 3/4 feet of lumber. To find out how many spice racks she can make, we need to divide the total amount of lumber by the amount needed per spice rack.

Let's convert 5 2/5 feet to an improper fraction:
5 2/5 = (5 * 5 + 2)/5 = 27/5

Now, we can calculate the number of spice racks Marie can make:
Number of spice racks = (27/5 feet of lumber) / (7/4 feet per spice rack)

Dividing fractions requires taking the reciprocal of the second fraction and multiplying:
Number of spice racks = (27/5 feet of lumber) * (4/7 feet per spice rack) = (27 * 4)/(5 * 7) = 108/35

Therefore, your answer of 3 5/21 spice racks is incorrect. The correct answer is that Marie can make 108/35 or approximately 3.0857 spice racks. Since you can't have a fraction of a spice rack, the closest integer value is 3.