when it explains the mars core is made of iron, sulfur, and "light elements" what does light elements mean or possibly made of? please help me!!!!!

When scientists refer to "light elements" when discussing the composition of the Mars core, they are referring to elements that have a relatively low atomic weight compared to iron and sulfur. These lighter elements often consist of elements such as oxygen, carbon, silicon, and possibly others.

To understand how scientists determine the composition of a celestial body like Mars, they use various methods, including seismic data, which can provide insights into the interior structure. One way is through the study of meteorites believed to have originated from Mars, known as Martian meteorites or "SNC" (Shergottite, Nakhlite, and Chassignite). These meteorites contain rock samples from Mars, which scientists can analyze to gain information about the planet's composition.

In the case of the Martian core, the presence of iron and sulfur is supported by the knowledge that these elements are common components of planetary cores. Additionally, computer models and experiments can simulate the extremes of pressure and temperature found in the core to understand its behavior and to estimate the possible composition based on its physical and chemical properties.

It's important to note that our understanding of Mars' core composition is still evolving, and ongoing missions, future research, and advancements in technology will likely contribute to refining our knowledge further.