micheal is 17 years older than john.in 4 years the sum of their ages will be 49. find micheals present age


Here is the process. It doesn't fit with the above answer.

m = j + 17

m + j = 49

Substitute j+17 for m in second equation and solve for j. Insert that value into the first equation and solve for m. Check by inserting both values into the second equation.

Micheals age=17 johns age=x then micheals age=x+17. In 4yrs time, johns age will be x+4, while micheals age will be x+17(x+4). Their present ages are x+17(x+4)=49. X^2+4x+17x+68=49. X^2+21x=49-68 x^2+21x=-19 x^2+21x-19=0.x^2+20x-x+19=0. (x^2+20)-(x-19)=0 x(x+20)-1(x-19)=0 (x+20)(x-1) x=-20 or 1.Therefore micheal is 20yrs old.

To find Michael's present age, we first need to set up equations based on the given information:

Let's assume John's present age as 'J' and Michael's present age as 'M'.

According to the first condition, "Michael is 17 years older than John," we can express this as:
M = J + 17

Now, according to the second condition, "In 4 years, the sum of their ages will be 49," we can express this as:
(J + 4) + (M + 4) = 49

Now, substitute the value of M from the first equation into the second equation:
(J + 4) + (J + 17 + 4) = 49
(J + 4) + (J + 21) = 49
2J + 25 = 49

To isolate J, subtract 25 from both sides of the equation:
2J = 49 - 25
2J = 24

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 2:
J = 24 / 2
J = 12

Therefore, John's present age is 12.

To find Michael's present age, substitute the value of J into the first equation:
M = J + 17
M = 12 + 17
M = 29

Therefore, Michael's present age is 29.