Which of the following illustrates the energy changes taking place during photosynthesis?

light energy from sun �¨ chemical energy in bonds of glucose

chemical energy in bonds of glucose �¨ light energy from sun

light energy from sun �¨ chemical energy in bonds of carbon dioxide

chemical energy in bonds of carbon dioxide �¨ light energy from sun

My answer: Light energy from sun->chemical energy in bonds of glucose.

it is a

Which of the following illustrates the energy changes taking place during photosynthesis? *light energy from sun -> chemical energy in bonds of glucose *

The correct answer is: light energy from sun → chemical energy in bonds of glucose

Photosynthesis is the process in which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose (a type of sugar). This process occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells.

To determine the correct answer, you can break down the options provided and understand the steps involved in photosynthesis:

Option 1: light energy from sun → chemical energy in bonds of glucose
This correctly depicts the energy changes during photosynthesis. Sunlight (light energy from the sun) is absorbed by chlorophyll in the chloroplasts, and this energy is converted into chemical energy stored in the bonds of glucose.

Option 2: chemical energy in bonds of glucose → light energy from sun
This option incorrectly reverses the process. During photosynthesis, glucose is produced as a result of converting light energy into chemical energy, so the order of the energy changes is not reversed.

Option 3: light energy from sun → chemical energy in bonds of carbon dioxide
This option is incorrect because carbon dioxide does not directly receive the energy from sunlight during photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is one of the reactants used in photosynthesis, but its energy is not derived directly from sunlight.

Option 4: chemical energy in bonds of carbon dioxide → light energy from sun
This option is also incorrect because carbon dioxide is not converted into light energy during photosynthesis. Instead, carbon dioxide is used along with water and light energy to produce glucose.

Therefore, the correct answer is: light energy from sun → chemical energy in bonds of glucose.

looks about right to me, but i am not 100% sure...

(do u take from connexus?)
