john mixed 3/4 liter of yellow paint with 1 1/4 liters of red paint to make 2 liters of orange paint.

. He needed more orange paint.

. To make a new batch of orange paint, he used exactly 1 liter of red paint.

Using the same ratio, how many liters of yellow paint should john use to make the new batch of orange paint?

yellow : red

= (3/4) : (5/4)
= 3 : 5

y:1 = 3:5
y/1 = 3/5
y = 3/5

He needs 3/5 L of red

(3/5) : 1
= 3 : 5, the ratio as needed

it is 0.6

Some people use the same ratio like 6 to 3 or 3:6 like that


Even though I am in algebra 1 this still confused me

Why tho


Not helpful. Didn´t even get my money that was promised, ratio bozo.

To find out how many liters of yellow paint John should use to make the new batch of orange paint, we need to use the same ratio as before.

In the first batch, John mixed 3/4 liter of yellow paint with 1 1/4 liters of red paint to make 2 liters of orange paint.

To calculate the ratio, we need to add the amounts of both yellow and red paint. In the first batch, the total amount of paint used was 3/4 + 1 1/4 = 2 liters.

Since the total amount of paint in the new batch is 1 liter, we need to determine the proportion of yellow paint to the total paint. To do this, we divide the amount of yellow paint used in the first batch (3/4 liter) by the total amount of paint used (2 liters):

(3/4) ÷ 2 = 3/8

So the ratio of yellow paint to the total paint used in the first batch is 3/8.

Now, we can apply this ratio to the new batch. To find out the amount of yellow paint needed, we multiply the total amount of paint in the new batch (1 liter) by the ratio of yellow paint to the total paint:

1 liter × (3/8) = 3/8 liter

Therefore, John should use 3/8 liter of yellow paint to make the new batch of orange paint, using the same ratio as before.