a bead on a wire 30m high is released and reaches point A, where is loops twice towards the right. what is the velocity and acceleration at point A-D? point A is at 20m directly below from starting point. Point B is 10m at the bottom of the first loop. point C is in between the A,B and on the left side of the loop. point D is at 20m at the top of the second loop.

How..??..🤔🤨🤔 plz tell 🙏🙏

To determine the velocity and acceleration at each point (A, B, C, D), we need to analyze the motion of the bead on the wire. We can break down the problem into two parts: the vertical motion and the circular motion.

1. Vertical Motion:
The bead is initially at a height of 30m and falls down to point A, which is 20m below the starting point. We can use the equations of motion under constant acceleration to find the velocity and acceleration at point A.

A. Velocity at point A:
To find the velocity at point A, we need to calculate the time it takes for the bead to fall from a height of 30m to 20m.

Using the equation: s = ut + (1/2)at²
- s = distance traveled (30m - 20m = 10m)
- u = initial velocity (0 m/s since it starts from rest)
- a = acceleration due to gravity (-9.8 m/s²)
- t = time

Substituting the values, we get:
10m = (1/2)(-9.8 m/s²)t²

Simplifying, we get:
t² = -2(10m) / 9.8 m/s²
t² = -20m / 9.8 m/s²
t² ≈ -2.04
t ≈ √(-2.04)
t ≈ ± 1.43 seconds (We discard the negative value since time cannot be negative)

Now that we have the time, we can calculate the velocity at point A using the equation: v = u + at
v = 0 m/s + (-9.8 m/s²)(1.43s)
v ≈ -14 m/s

Therefore, the velocity at point A is approximately -14 m/s (downward direction).

B. Acceleration at point A:
The acceleration at point A is the same as the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately -9.8 m/s² (downward direction).

2. Circular Motion:
After reaching point A, the bead changes direction and starts moving in a loop towards the right side. At points B, C, and D, we need to analyze the circular motion.

A. Velocity and Acceleration at point B and point C:
Since point B is at the bottom of the loop, the velocity of the bead will be at maximum, while the acceleration will point towards the center of the circle. The same applies to point C.

At the bottom of the loop, when the bead reaches point B:
- Velocity is at maximum (tangential speed), but we need the specific value to calculate.
- Acceleration points towards the center of the circle (centripetal acceleration), but we need the specific value to calculate.

To find the velocity and acceleration at point B, we need additional information. Specifically, the radius of the loop.

B. Velocity and Acceleration at point D:
At the top of the second loop, when the bead reaches point D:
- Velocity will be minimum (tangential speed equals zero), but again, we need the specific value to calculate.
- Acceleration points towards the center of the circle (centripetal acceleration) but we need the specific value to calculate.

To determine the velocity and acceleration at points B, C, and D, we require information about the loop's radius or its properties.