What feature is NOT defined for a wave pulse?

b)wave speed
c)the position of a particle at a certain time
d)a defined source

a. Period

Henry is right. The answer is A, period.

Rebecca is wrong, but Henry is right.

Both Henry and Rebecca are correct.

You are all wrong

To determine which feature is NOT defined for a wave pulse, let's analyze each option:

a) Period: The period of a wave refers to the time it takes for a complete cycle to occur. It is a fundamental property of a wave and can be determined by measuring the time between successive crests or troughs. This feature is defined for a wave pulse.

b) Wave speed: The wave speed represents the rate at which the wave propagates through a medium. It is determined by the properties of the medium, such as its density and elasticity. Wave speed can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the wave by the time taken. This feature is defined for a wave pulse.

c) The position of a particle at a certain time: This feature refers to the displacement of an individual particle in the medium at a specific point in time as the wave passes through. In the case of a wave pulse, the position of a particle at a certain time is crucial in describing the shape and behavior of the pulse. Therefore, this feature is defined for a wave pulse.

d) A defined source: A wave pulse can be created by various means, such as by plucking a string or by striking an object. In this context, a defined source refers to the origin of the wave pulse. It represents the initial disturbance that triggers the propagation of the pulse through the medium. Without a defined source, there cannot be a wave pulse. Therefore, this feature is also defined for a wave pulse.

Based on the analysis, none of the features mentioned are NOT defined for a wave pulse. They are all integral aspects that characterize a wave pulse.