You and a friend each drive 54 km. You travel at 95 km/h; your friend travels at 118 km/h. How many minutes will your friend have to wait for you at the end of the trip?

54 km/95 = .5684 hr

54 km/118 = .4576 hr

difference = .11 hr

.11 hr * 60 min/hr = 6.647 min

which is 6 minutes and 39 seconds

To solve this problem, we need to find the time it takes for both you and your friend to complete the trip. Then, we can calculate the time difference between the two.

First, let's find the time it takes for you to complete the trip:
Distance = Speed × Time
Time = Distance / Speed

For you:
Distance = 54 km
Speed = 95 km/h
Time = 54 km / 95 km/h

Using the formula above, we can calculate the time it takes for you to complete the trip.

Time = (54 km) / (95 km/h)
Time ≈ 0.568 hours

Now, let's find the time it takes for your friend to complete the trip:
Distance = 54 km
Speed = 118 km/h
Time = 54 km / 118 km/h

Using the same formula, we can calculate the time it takes for your friend to complete the trip.

Time = (54 km) / (118 km/h)
Time ≈ 0.458 hours

We have found the time it takes for both of you to complete the trip. Now, we need to find the time difference between the two.

Difference in time = Your time - Friend's time
Difference in time = 0.568 hours - 0.458 hours

To convert hours to minutes, we need to multiply by 60 since there are 60 minutes in an hour.

Difference in time (minutes) = (0.568 hours - 0.458 hours) × 60 minutes/hour

Calculating the difference in time:
Difference in time ≈ (0.568 - 0.458) × 60
Difference in time ≈ 0.11 × 60
Difference in time ≈ 6.6 minutes

Therefore, your friend will have to wait for approximately 6.6 minutes at the end of the trip.