There are 29 students in the class. 21 students are in base ball team and 12 students are in foot ball team...but some students play both the many students play both games?

number(baseball OR football)

=number(baseball) + number(football) - number(baseball AND football)

29 = 21 + 12 - x
x = 4

4 of them play both sports.

To find out how many students play both baseball and football, we need to subtract the students who are only in one team from the total number of students who play each sport.

First, we know that 21 students are in the baseball team, and 12 students are in the football team. However, this includes students who play both sports.

To get the number of students who play only baseball, we subtract the number of students who play both sports from the total number of baseball players:
21 - x = (students who play only baseball)

Similarly, to get the number of students who play only football, we subtract the number of students who play both sports from the total number of football players:
12 - x = (students who play only football)

Now, to find the number of students who play both sports, we need to subtract the number of students who play only baseball from the total number of baseball players and the number of students who play only football from the total number of football players.

Thus, the equation becomes:
(21 - x) + (12 - x) + x = 29

Simplifying the equation:
21 + 12 - x - x + x = 29
33 - x = 29

To solve for x, we subtract 33 from both sides of the equation:
33 - x - 33 = 29 - 33
-x = -4

Next, we multiply both sides of the equation by -1 to isolate x:
-x * -1 = -4 * -1
x = 4

Hence, there are 4 students who play both baseball and football.