Can you help me in math please, I don't understand this. My book shows me the area of a parallelogram, and area of a triangle, but it show me what to do if there's fractions in the problem.

A. 12 1/2 ft2
B. 7 7/8 ft2
C. 8 1/4 ft2
D. 15 3/4 ft 2

Thank you.

But the base of the figure is 5 1/4 feet, and the height is 3 ft.

Do you need to find the area of the triangle or the parallelogram?


A = bh

A = (5 1/4) * 3

A = (21/4) * (3/1)

A = 63/4

A = 15 3/4 ft^2

Okay thank you. It didn't show me how to do this in my book. Thank you so much.

You're very welcome.

Can you please help me?A parallelogram has an area of 111.86 ft2

and a height of 11.9 ft.

How long is the base of the parallelogram?

A triangle has an area of 80 yd2

and a height of 10 yd

How long is the base of the triangle?

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with this math problem! It seems like you're trying to find the area of a figure, but you're unsure how to handle fractions in the calculations.

To find the area of a parallelogram, you multiply the base by the height. The formula is given as: Area = base × height. Similarly, the area of a triangle can be found by multiplying the base by the height and dividing the result by 2: Area = (base × height) / 2.

To handle fractions in these formulas, you'll need to convert them to a common denominator before performing any calculations. Once you have a common denominator, you can add or subtract the fractions as needed.

Now, let's apply this knowledge to the given answer choices:

A. 12 1/2 ft2:
To multiply a whole number by a fraction, you can convert the whole number to a fraction by placing it over 1. So, 12 can be written as 12/1. Next, we multiply the fractions: (12/1) × (1/2) = 12/2 = 6 ft2.

B. 7 7/8 ft²:
Again, convert the whole number to a fraction: 7 = 7/1. Then multiply: (7/1) × (7/8) = 49/8 = 6 1/8 ft².

C. 8 1/4 ft²:
Convert the whole number to a fraction: 8 = 8/1. Then multiply: (8/1) × (1/4) = 8/4 = 2 ft².

D. 15 3/4 ft²:
Convert the whole number to a fraction: 15 = 15/1. Then multiply: (15/1) × (3/4) = 45/4 = 11 1/4 ft².

So, applying the formulas and converting fractions as explained, the correct answer is option D. The area of the figure is 15 3/4 ft².

Remember, understanding how to handle fractions in math problems is crucial for many calculations. It's always helpful to have a good grasp of fraction arithmetic and how to convert between fractions and whole numbers.

Unfortunately it wont let me post the link.