11. What resources led to the appearance of the Industrial Revolution in New England? (5 points)

12. During the early 1800s, the United States tried to make peace with other countries in order to grow and develop. Give an example of one of these peace efforts and briefly explain what it hoped to accomplish. (5 points)

13. How did sectionalism emerge in the 1820s? Compare the priorities of the regions. (5 points)



To answer these questions, we can use a combination of online research, textbooks, and scholarly articles. Here's how to find the resources and information needed for each question:

11. To understand the resources that led to the appearance of the Industrial Revolution in New England, you can start by researching primary and secondary sources like history books, economic studies, and academic articles. Online databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your school's library portal can be helpful for finding reliable sources. Look for information on factors like the availability of natural resources, technological advancements, labor supply, transportation infrastructure, and access to markets. Cross-referencing multiple sources will help to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

12. For this question, you can research the foreign policy of the United States during the early 1800s. Start by looking for primary sources such as official government documents, statements, and treaties. You can search for specific peace efforts or diplomatic negotiations that the United States was involved in during this period. Books, online sources, and scholarly journals that focus on U.S. foreign relations during the early 19th century will provide valuable insights. To explain what the peace effort hoped to accomplish, look for information on the goals, motivations, and outcomes of the specific peace agreement or negotiation.

13. Understanding the emergence of sectionalism in the 1820s requires examining the priorities and conflicts between different regions in the United States. Begin by researching primary sources like speeches, letters, and official documents related to this period. Look for information on the economic, social, and political differences between the North, South, and West. You can search for books and articles that analyze the sectional tensions, debates, and events of the 1820s. Comparing the priorities of each region will involve examining their respective interests in areas such as slavery, economic development, infrastructure, and political power. Cross-referencing multiple sources will help to provide a balanced understanding of sectionalism during this time period.