Design and develop a simple application system that converts the input dollars into its equivalent Yen rate. Where the user enters the value of the dollar in text box 1, the user should click the command button before the resulting value will be displayed at the text box 2.

To design and develop a simple application system that converts input dollars into its equivalent Yen rate, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a programming language: You will need to select a programming language that you are comfortable with or one that is suitable for the platform you are targeting, such as Python, Java, or JavaScript.

2. Set up the user interface: Create a graphical user interface (GUI) that includes two text boxes and a command button. The first text box will be the input for the dollar value, the command button will trigger the conversion, and the second text box will display the resulting value in Yen.

3. Handle user input: Once the user enters the dollar value in the first text box, you need to capture this input and store it in a variable to use it for the conversion.

4. Implement the conversion logic: Use the current exchange rate between dollars and Yen to convert the input dollar value into its equivalent Yen rate. You can retrieve the exchange rate either by utilizing an API or by manually updating the exchange rate in your code.

5. Display the result: After executing the conversion, update the second text box with the resulting value in Yen.

6. Compile and test the application: Build the application and run it to ensure that it is functioning as expected. Enter different dollar values and verify that the conversion is accurate.

Here's a simple example in Python using the tkinter library for the GUI:

import tkinter as tk

def calculate():
dollar_value = float(entry1.get())
exchange_rate = 108.72 # Assuming a fixed exchange rate of 1 dollar = 108.72 Yen
yen_value = dollar_value * exchange_rate
entry2.delete(0, tk.END)
entry2.insert(0, yen_value)

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Dollar to Yen Conversion")

label1 = tk.Label(root, text="Dollar Value:")

entry1 = tk.Entry(root)

button1 = tk.Button(root, text="Convert", command=calculate)

label2 = tk.Label(root, text="Yen Value:")

entry2 = tk.Entry(root)


In this example, a fixed exchange rate of 1 dollar = 108.72 Yen is used for simplicity. However, you can modify the `exchange_rate` variable to use a dynamic value retrieved from an API or any other reliable source.