Q. How do i make an optical illusion using turtle graphics?

Thank you.

To create an optical illusion using turtle graphics, you can utilize various techniques to manipulate the movement and appearance of the turtle. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Import the turtle graphics module.
To use turtle graphics, import the turtle module in your Python program by adding the following line at the beginning:
import turtle

Step 2: Create a turtle object.
Create a turtle object to draw on the screen. You can do this by adding the following line:
window = turtle.Screen()

Step 3: Customize the turtle's appearance.
You can customize various attributes of the turtle, such as its shape, color, and speed. For an optical illusion, you might want to experiment with different colors and shapes. Here's an example:
t = turtle.Turtle()

Step 4: Design your optical illusion.
To create an optical illusion, you can use turtle commands to make the turtle move and draw various shapes on the screen. You can combine different movements, rotations, and scales to achieve the desired effect. Here's an example of creating a spiral pattern:
radius = 5
for i in range(100):
radius += 5

Step 5: Close the turtle graphics window.
Once you have created your optical illusion, you can close the turtle graphics window by adding the following line at the end of your code:

That's it! You can experiment with various turtle commands, shapes, and patterns to create your own optical illusions using turtle graphics. Remember to adjust attributes, such as speed and angle, to achieve the desired effect.