write a situation that can be represented by the algebraic expression 3.25d

The local plant store sells daffodil bulbs for #3.25 each. How many daffodil bulbs can Carlos buy for $33.50?

What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase the product of 2 and y


Sure! Here's a situation that can be represented by the algebraic expression 3.25d:

Chloe is working part-time at a grocery store. She earns $3.25 per hour. The algebraic expression 3.25d represents Chloe's total earnings, where "d" represents the number of hours she works.

So, if Chloe works for "d" hours, her total earnings would be 3.25 multiplied by "d", giving us the algebraic expression 3.25d.

For example, if Chloe works for 10 hours, her total earnings would be 3.25 x 10 = $32.50.