My problem is with a parallelogram that has three numbers which are 88 degrees,104,and 80. Then the fourth on is 8x minus 2 how do I slove this

opposite angles are equal, so

8x-2 = 104

To solve this problem, we need to understand the properties of a parallelogram and use the given information to find the missing angle.

In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent, which means they have the same measure. Additionally, the sum of the interior angles of a parallelogram is always 360 degrees.

Let's analyze the given information:

1. The first angle is 88 degrees.
2. The second angle is 104 degrees.
3. The third angle is 80 degrees.
4. The fourth angle is represented as 8x - 2.

Since opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent, we can use this information to set up an equation:

88 + 104 + 80 + (8x - 2) = 360

Now, we can solve the equation:

272 + 8x - 2 = 360
272 + 8x = 362
8x = 362 - 272
8x = 90

Finally, we can find the value of x by dividing both sides of the equation by 8:

x = 90 / 8
x = 11.25

Therefore, the missing angle, represented by 8x - 2, is 90 degrees.