Evaluate 1/8n + 2 1/4


How do u solve

just plug in n:

(1/8)(3/4) + 2 1/4
3/32 + 2 8/32
2 11/32

1/8n + 2 1/4

(1/8 * 3/4) + 2 1/4)

3/32 + 2 8/32 = 2 11/32

I got 2 12/32. When I multiply the mixed fraction 2 1/4, I don't have to add the 1?

1/4 becomes 8/32

There is no 1 any more

To solve the expression 1/8n + 2 1/4 when n is equal to 3/4, you need to substitute the value of n into the expression.

Step 1: Substitute the value of n into the expression.
Replace n with 3/4.
1/8(3/4) + 2 1/4

Step 2: Simplify the expression.
Multiply the fractions:

1/8 * 3/4 = (1*3) / (8*4) = 3/32

We are left with: 3/32 + 2 1/4

Now, convert the mixed number 2 1/4 to an improper fraction:
2 * 4 + 1 / 4 = 9/4

So the expression becomes: 3/32 + 9/4

Step 3: Find a common denominator.
To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 32.

Multiply the numerator and denominator of 9/4 by 8 to get a denominator of 32:
(9*8) / (4*8) = 72/32

Now, we have: 3/32 + 72/32

Step 4: Add the fractions.
Add the numerators and keep the common denominator:
3/32 + 72/32 = (3+72) / 32 = 75/32

So, when n = 3/4, the expression 1/8n + 2 1/4 evaluates to 75/32.