How did the belief in Manifest Destiny contribute to the westward expansion of the United States?

a.Americans believed expansion would offer new economic opportunities.

b.Americans believed they could learn important values from other cultures.

c.The United States government believed it should invade and conquer Mexico.

d.The United States government believed it had a duty to prevent slavery in new territories.



Yes. A

Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome.

The answer is option a. Americans believed expansion would offer new economic opportunities.

Manifest Destiny refers to the widely-held belief during the 19th century that the United States was destined to expand its territory across the North American continent. This belief played a significant role in the westward expansion of the United States.

American settlers and pioneers were driven by a desire for land and resources, as well as a belief that the United States' expansion was not only inevitable but also beneficial for the country. They believed that moving westward would open up new economic opportunities, such as the availability of fertile land for farming, access to valuable resources like gold and oil, and the potential for establishing new markets for trade and commerce.

This belief in economic opportunities greatly influenced the migration of people from the eastern parts of the United States towards the western regions, including the acquisition of territories like Texas, Oregon, and California. The desire for economic prosperity was a major driving force behind the westward expansion, fueled by the belief in Manifest Destiny.