5.The process of desertification can occur when

B.farmers use contour farming techniques
C.an area of forest is clear-cut
D.an area of forest is selectively cut
7.Which of the following statements describes the conservation of a natural resource?
A.A factory burns coal to run its machines
B.A solar energy company harvests energy from sunlight
C.Lights in a house are turned off when not in use.
D.A wind energy company covers a hillside with wind turbines
My answers:

5. right

7. wrong

So is 7 C?

Yes. 7C

To verify your answers, let's break down the processes mentioned in each question and evaluate their impact on desertification and natural resource conservation.

5. The process of desertification occurs when:
A. Farmers use contour farming techniques - Contour farming is a practice of plowing and planting along the contours or curves of the land to prevent soil erosion. It helps reduce the risk of desertification by minimizing soil runoff and retaining water. Therefore, this answer is not correct.

B. An area of forest is clear-cut - Clear-cutting refers to the complete removal of all trees in an area. This process often leads to increased soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and changes to local climate patterns due to altered water cycles. Clear-cutting can contribute to desertification. Therefore, this answer is correct.

C. An area of forest is selectively cut - Selective cutting involves the removal of specific trees while leaving the majority of the forest intact. While there may be some impact on the ecosystem, selective cutting generally has a smaller impact on desertification compared to clear-cutting. Therefore, this answer is not correct.

From the above analysis, the correct answer to question 5 is B.

7. The conservation of a natural resource is described as:
A. A factory burns coal to run its machines - Burning coal is a non-renewable energy source that contributes to air pollution and climate change. It does not represent the conservation of natural resources. Therefore, this answer is not correct.

B. A solar energy company harvests energy from sunlight - Harvesting energy from sunlight is an example of using a renewable energy source. It reduces dependence on fossil fuels and minimizes environmental impact, making it an excellent example of natural resource conservation. Therefore, this answer is correct.

C. Lights in a house are turned off when not in use - Conserving energy by turning off lights when not in use is a practice that promotes energy efficiency. While it indirectly contributes to natural resource conservation by reducing energy demand, it is not directly related to the conservation of natural resources. Therefore, this answer is not correct.

D. A wind energy company covers a hillside with wind turbines - Covering a hillside with wind turbines is an example of utilizing a renewable energy source, which helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels and promotes natural resource conservation. Therefore, this answer is correct.

From the above analysis, the correct answer to question 7 is B and D.

Correct answers:
Question 5: B
Question 7: B, D