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Which of the following signal words could identify a problem-solution text structure?


B.i think

C.therefore(I PICK THIS)


To identify a problem-solution text structure, you need to look for signal words that indicate the presence of a problem and a subsequent solution. Signal words are words or phrases that provide clues about the organization and structure of a text. In this case, the correct answer is not the option you selected, "therefore."

The signal words that commonly identify a problem-solution text structure include:

1. Problem: words such as "problem," "issue," "challenge," "difficulty," or "trouble."
2. Solution: words such as "solution," "answer," "method," "strategy," or "approach."

Out of the given options, none of them directly indicate a problem and a solution. Option A, "first," doesn't provide any information about a problem or a solution. Option B, "I think," indicates opinion rather than a problem or a solution. Therefore, the correct answer among the given options is C, "therefore," because it suggests a cause-and-effect relationship rather than a problem and a solution.

However, it's important to note that "therefore" is commonly used in cause-and-effect text structures, not necessarily problem-solution text structures. To accurately identify the text structure, it's recommended to consider the entire passage and its overall organization.