Anderson has a phone plan that charges a monthly rate of $50 for the first 1,000 minutes plus $0.25 for each additional minute. Which of the following functions models Anderson's plan for all m > 1,000, with m as the number of minutes per month and f(m) as the monthly charge?

A. f(m) = 0.25m
B. f(m) = 0.25m + 50
C. f(m) = 0.25m - 200
D. f(m) = 0.25m - 950
E. f(m) = 0.25 m + 1,000

The answer is B. f(m)= 0.25m +50

Anderson is being charged a monthly rate: +$50
If he goes over 1,000 minutes (m) he will be charged for each minute 25 cents
Let's say he does go over, he charged for every minute he goes over in addition to the minutes he's billed for so..

.25(# of minutes over 1,000) + monthly rate $50

It's actually C

The monthly charge for Anderson's phone plan is $50 for the first 1,000 minutes plus $0.25 for each additional minute.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. For the first 1,000 minutes, Anderson is charged a flat rate of $50. This means that the cost for the first 1,000 minutes is constant regardless of the number of minutes.

2. For any additional minute beyond 1,000, Anderson is charged $0.25. This indicates a linear relationship between the number of additional minutes and the cost.

Combining these two steps, we can write the function that models Anderson's plan for all m > 1,000 as follows:

f(m) = 0.25m + 50

Therefore, the correct answer is B. f(m) = 0.25m + 50.

To model Anderson's plan for all m > 1,000, we need to consider the additional minutes beyond the first 1,000 minutes.

The fixed cost for the first 1,000 minutes is $50. This means that regardless of the number of minutes between 0 and 1,000, the cost will be $50.

For each additional minute beyond 1,000, there is an additional charge of $0.25 per minute.

So, the function f(m) that models Anderson's plan for all m > 1,000 will be:

f(m) = 0.25(m - 1,000) + 50

Simplifying this expression:

f(m) = 0.25m - 0.25(1,000) + 50

f(m) = 0.25m - 250 + 50

f(m) = 0.25m - 200

Therefore, the correct function that models Anderson's plan for all m > 1,000 is:

C. f(m) = 0.25m - 200