Young as I was, I believe that I dated a new admiration of Joe that night. We were equals afterwards,as we had been before,but,afterwards at quiet times when I sat looking at Joe and thinking about him, I had a new sensation of feeling conscious that I was looking up to Joe in my heart.

See answer below.

"prohibition did not work then and prohibition for young people under the age of twenty-one in not working now."

It seems like you are describing a change in the way you feel about Joe after a particular night. This change is leading you to perceive him with admiration and the feeling of looking up to him. These types of feelings often arise from a shift in perspective or an enhanced understanding of someone's qualities or actions.

To gain a better understanding of why you might have developed this new sensation, it may be helpful to reflect on the events that occurred that night or the experiences you had together leading up to it. Consider how your interactions may have influenced your perception of Joe and why it might have caused you to reevaluate your relationship.

Additionally, examining your own emotions and thoughts during quiet times when you are thinking about Joe can provide insights into the specific aspects of his character or behavior that have evoked this admiration. Reflect on the qualities or actions that you particularly appreciate about Joe. This self-reflection can help you identify what exactly is giving rise to the sensation of looking up to him.

It's important to remember that feelings and perceptions can change over time and it's natural to experience shifts in how we view others. It can be valuable to embrace these changes, as they provide opportunities for growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the people around us.