compare the single term expression for retail price after a markup from example 1 and the single term expression for sale price after a markdown from example 2. what do you notice about the coefficients in the two expressions

Compare the single term expression for retail price after a markup from Example 1 and the single term expression for sale price after a markdown from Example 2. What do you notice about the coefficients in the two expressions

To compare the single term expression for the retail price after a markup (example 1) and the single term expression for the sale price after a markdown (example 2), we first need to understand the concepts of markup and markdown.

Example 1: Retail price after a markup
When a markup is applied to an item, the selling price is increased by a certain percentage of the original cost. Let's say the original cost is represented by "C" and the markup percentage is "M". The single term expression for the retail price after a markup can be given as:

Retail Price = C + (M * C)

Example 2: Sale price after a markdown
Conversely, when a markdown is applied to an item, the selling price is decreased by a certain percentage of the original price. Let's say the original price is represented by "P" and the markdown percentage is "D". The single term expression for the sale price after a markdown can be given as:

Sale Price = P - (D * P)

To compare the two expressions and notice any patterns in the coefficients, let's simplify them further:

Retail Price = C(1 + M)
Sale Price = P(1 - D)

From the simplified expressions, we can observe the following about the coefficients:

1) In the expression for the retail price after a markup, the coefficient is (1 + M). This means that the coefficient is greater than 1, as the markup percentage is added to the cost.

2) In the expression for the sale price after a markdown, the coefficient is (1 - D). This means that the coefficient is less than 1, as the markdown percentage is subtracted from the original price.

Therefore, the coefficients in the two expressions have different relationships with 1. In the retail price expression, the coefficient is greater than 1, indicating an increase in price, while in the sale price expression, the coefficient is less than 1, indicating a decrease in price.

I'm sorry but my esp connection is down tonight. I have no idea what your examples are.

Why did you post this?