The name of a binary compound ends with _____.



To determine the name of a binary compound, you need to identify its chemical formula first. A binary compound consists of two different elements bonded together.

Here's how you can identify the name of a binary compound:

1. Write down the chemical formula of the binary compound. For example, let's consider the compound with the formula AB.

2. Determine the elements present in the compound. In our example, there are two different elements, A and B.

3. Identify the type of elements in the compound. There are two types: metal and non-metal. The metal is usually listed first in the formula, followed by the non-metal.

4. Determine the group or charge of each element. This step is necessary if the element has multiple charges. You can use the periodic table to find the group number or charge of an element.

5. Write the name of the metal element first, followed by the name of the non-metal element. To name the metal, simply use the element's name. For the non-metal, use the root name with an -ide ending.

To summarize, the name of a binary compound typically ends with the suffix "-ide". For example, if the binary compound is made up of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl), the name would be sodium chloride.

Keep in mind that there are some exceptions to the "-ide" ending rule, especially for older or more complex compounds. However, the majority of binary compounds will follow this naming convention.