Which word or phrase below best describes the function of the urinary bladder?

a. filter
b. storage tank
c. blender
d. passageway


A patients comes in to see a physician. This patient lacks the ability to keep warm and needs to wear heavy clothing even during mild temperatures. Which system of this patient's body should the physician be concerned about?

a. integumentary
b. skeletal
c. respiratory
d. muscular


For one, the urinary bladder holds the urine until it can be excreted. For the second, the integumentary system includes that special layer of fat in the hypodermis. This fat is one of the things to keep you warm. If that was lacking you would definitely be colder. You seem to have them both correct! Cheers!

I think the answer is fulter

To determine the answer to the first question, you should understand the function of the urinary bladder and then select the option that best represents that function.

The urinary bladder is responsible for storing urine that is produced by the kidneys until it is ready to be excreted from the body through the urethra. It acts as a reservoir for urine until it is convenient for the body to release it.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b. "storage tank".

For the second question, you should consider the symptoms mentioned by the patient and identify the body system that is responsible for regulating body temperature.

The integumentary system is responsible for protecting the body from external factors, such as temperature changes. It includes the skin, hair, and nails. When this system is compromised, it can result in issues such as difficulty regulating body temperature.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a. "integumentary". The physician should be concerned about the patient's integumentary system.

Would it be filter

Give me a direct response e