A laser beam of light csn be bouncedoff the Moon (from a special mirror left there by astronauts). The light travels there and back in 2.6 seconds. What is the distance to the Moon?

Light travels at 299 792 458 m / s or 299,792.458 km / s.

Multiply: 299,792.458 km * 1.3 to find the distance.

To calculate the distance to the Moon using the given information, we can use the speed of light as a constant. The speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.

Since the laser beam takes 2.6 seconds to travel to the Moon and back, we can divide this time by 2 to find the time it takes for the beam to travel one way.

2.6 seconds / 2 = 1.3 seconds

Now, we can use the formula distance = speed * time to find the distance traveled by the light beam.

Distance = Speed of light * Time
Distance = 299,792,458 m/s * 1.3 seconds

Calculating this, we get:

Distance ≈ 389,729,200 meters

Therefore, the distance to the Moon is approximately 389,729,200 meters.

To find the distance to the Moon, we can use the speed of light and the time it takes for the laser beam to travel to and from the Moon.

The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second (km/s). Given that the laser beam travels to the Moon and back in a total of 2.6 seconds, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's calculate the distance to the Moon using the speed of light:

Distance = (Speed of Light) × (Time)
Distance = (299,792 km/s) × (2.6 s)

Now, we can compute the distance:

Distance ≈ 780,540 kilometers

Therefore, the approximate distance to the Moon is 780,540 kilometers.