please check answers

7.which of these sentences shows correct comma usage?

A.Yes i enjoy writing poetry in my spare time.(I PICK THIS)

B.After,a while,i suppose,the boy became less scared of the new girl.

C.By the end of the first stanza,i had guessed that the new kid was a girl.

D.before he walked down the street he checked to make sure the new kid wasn"t there.

8.which of these sentences shows correct comma usage?

A.this poem,by the way has two long stanzas.

B.the girl unlike the boy,is a new kid on the block.

C.the boy,as the poem,says doesn't care for her at all.

D. The poem,in my opinon,has a funny ending.(I PICK THIS)

7 wrong

8 right

To check the answers, let's evaluate each sentence:

7. Which of these sentences shows correct comma usage?

A. "Yes i enjoy writing poetry in my spare time." This sentence does not demonstrate correct comma usage.

B. "After,a while,i suppose,the boy became less scared of the new girl." This sentence has incorrect comma usage as it should be written as "After a while, I suppose, the boy became less scared of the new girl." Commas should be placed after each individual phrase or clause, not before and after.

C. "By the end of the first stanza,i had guessed that the new kid was a girl." This sentence has incorrect comma usage as it should be written as "By the end of the first stanza, I had guessed that the new kid was a girl." Commas should be placed after each individual phrase or clause, not before and after.

D. "Before he walked down the street he checked to make sure the new kid wasn't there." This sentence does not demonstrate correct comma usage.

Therefore, the correct sentence with appropriate comma usage is option A.

8. Which of these sentences shows correct comma usage?

A. "This poem, by the way, has two long stanzas." This sentence demonstrates correct comma usage.

B. "The girl unlike the boy, is a new kid on the block." This sentence does not require a comma after "unlike the boy" as it is a short phrase modifying the subject. It should be written as "The girl, unlike the boy, is a new kid on the block."

C. "The boy, as the poem, says doesn't care for her at all." This sentence has incorrect comma usage as it should be written as "The boy, as the poem says, doesn't care for her at all." Commas should be placed after each individual phrase or clause, not before and after.

D. "The poem,in my opinion, has a funny ending." This sentence has incorrect comma usage as it should be written as "The poem, in my opinion, has a funny ending." Commas should be placed after each individual phrase or clause, not before and after.

Therefore, the correct sentence with appropriate comma usage is option A.

So, the correct answers are:

7. A. Yes i enjoy writing poetry in my spare time.
8. A. This poem, by the way, has two long stanzas.