Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

(To see that it's italicized, I quoted it in *)

A. The article called "A Persistent Rebel" in *American History* magazine told about Elizabeth Blackwell.

B. The article called *A Persistent Rebel* in *American History* magazine told about Elizabeth Blackwell.

C. The article called A *Persistent Rebel* in "American History" magazine told about Elizabeth Blackwell.

D. The article called "*A Persistent Rebel*" in *American History* magazine told about Elizabeth Blackwell.

I pick A.

You're correct.

Thanks! :)

You're welcome!

Hey Sam was the answer right?

The correct answer is D.

To determine which sentence is punctuated correctly, we need to identify the correct use of quotation marks and italics.

In option A, the word "American History" is not italicized, which is incorrect because it is the title of a magazine.

In option B, both "A Persistent Rebel" and "American History" are italicized, which is incorrect. Only the title of the article, "A Persistent Rebel," should be italicized.

In option C, the word "Persistent Rebel" is italicized, which is incorrect. Only the title of the article should be italicized.

In option D, the title of the article, "*A Persistent Rebel*," is correctly italicized, and the magazine title, "American History," is correctly enclosed in quotation marks. Therefore, option D is the correct choice.