What is the process for translating a shape on a coordinate plane according to the transformation (x,y) -> (x - 5, y + 2); reflection over the y-axis?

To translate a shape on a coordinate plane according to the transformation (x,y) -> (x - 5, y + 2) and then reflect it over the y-axis, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the original shape on the coordinate plane.

Step 2: Apply the translation:
a. Move each point of the shape 5 units to the left by subtracting 5 from the x-coordinate.
b. Move each point of the shape 2 units up by adding 2 to the y-coordinate.

Step 3: After applying the translation, you will have the translated shape.

Step 4: Reflect the translated shape over the y-axis by reversing the sign of the x-coordinates.
a. Change the sign of each x-coordinate to its opposite value.

Step 5: After reflecting the shape over the y-axis, you will have the final shape.

By following these steps, you can properly translate the shape according to the given transformation and then reflect it over the y-axis.

To translate a shape on a coordinate plane according to a given transformation and then reflect it over the y-axis, you would follow these steps:

1. Start with the original shape's coordinates.

2. Apply the translation transformation (x,y) -> (x - 5, y + 2) to each coordinate of the shape.

For each coordinate, subtract 5 from the x-coordinate and add 2 to the y-coordinate. This will shift the shape 5 units left and 2 units up.

3. After applying the translation, you will have the coordinates of the shape in its new position.

4. Reflect the translated shape over the y-axis.

To reflect a shape over the y-axis, you need to swap the sign of its x-coordinate while keeping the y-coordinate unchanged. By doing this, you mirror the shape across the y-axis.

For each translated coordinate, simply change the sign of the x-coordinate.

5. The resulting coordinates after the reflection over the y-axis will give you the final position of the shape after both the translation and reflection.

Remember, when using coordinate points, the (x, y) format represents the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the point respectively.