I don't understand these problems can you help me.

Multiple Choice

At the chromosomal level, what is the difference between human males and human females? (1 point)All males have a Y chromosome, and females do not.
All males have an X chromosome, and females do not.
All males have 47 chromosomes, and females only have 46.
All males have 46 chromosomes, and females have 47.

A color-blind woman marries a man who is not color-blind. All of their sons are color-blind, but none of their daughters are color-blind. Color-blindness is likely (1 point)the result of having too few chromosomes.
the result of having an extra chromosome.
a sex-linked trait.
a recessive trait.

A woman who is a carrier for hemophilia marries a man who does not have the disease. If the couple has a daughter, what are the chances that their daughter would have hemophilia? (Hint: Use a Punnett square to determine the answer.) (1 point)0 percent
25 percent
50 percent
75 percent

A pedigree that indicates who has cystic fibrosis in a family and identifies some members who are carriers. At the top of the pedigree, there are two sets of parents, labeled A and B (carriers) and C and D (do not have the disease). One daughter of A and B, labeled E, does not have the disease and is not a carrier. One daughter, labeled F, has the disease, and the son, labeled G, is a carrier. The only child of C and D, a daughter labeled H, does not have the disease and is not a carrier. How the son of G and H, labeled I, is affected is not given.
The pedigree above shows the family history of the recessive blood disorder sickle-cell anemia. What are the chances of the child I having the disease or carrying the gene for the disease? (1 point)Child I has no chance of having the disease and no chance of carrying the disease.
Child I has a 50 percent chance of having the disease and a 50 percent chance of carrying the disease.
Child I has no chance of having the disease and a 50 percent chance of carrying the disease.
Child I has a 100 percent chance of having the disease and a 100 percent chance of carrying the disease.

Down syndrome is (1 point)a sex-linked trait.
a recessive trait.
the result of having too few chromosomes.
the result of having an extra chromosome.

1. A

2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D

Megan is right i got a 100%

1. To answer this question, we need to understand the difference between chromosomes in human males and females. Human males have two different sex chromosomes: X and Y, whereas females have two X chromosomes. So, the correct answer is: All males have a Y chromosome, and females do not.

2. This question is asking about the inheritance pattern of color-blindness. Color-blindness is a sex-linked trait, meaning it is associated with the sex chromosomes. In humans, the gene for color vision is located on the X chromosome. Since the woman is color-blind and the man is not, it is likely that the woman carries the recessive color-blindness gene on one of her X chromosomes. When the woman and man have children, their sons have a 50% chance of inheriting the color-blindness gene because they receive one X chromosome from their mother (with a 50% chance of being the affected X chromosome) and one Y chromosome from their father (which does not carry the color-blindness gene). On the other hand, their daughters have a 0% chance of being color-blind because they receive an unaffected X chromosome from their father. So, the correct answer is: Color-blindness is a sex-linked trait.

3. This question asks about the chances of their daughter having hemophilia. Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder, meaning it is caused by a gene located on the X chromosome. Since the woman is a carrier for hemophilia, she has one normal X chromosome and one hemophilia-carrying X chromosome. The man, who does not have the disease, has one normal X chromosome and one Y chromosome. When they have a daughter, there are four possibilities for the daughter's genotype: XN (normal), XN (normal), XN (normal), and XH (hemophilia-carrying). Among these four possibilities, only one results in the daughter having hemophilia (XH). Therefore, the chances that their daughter would have hemophilia are 25%. So, the correct answer is: 25 percent.

4. To answer this question, we need to examine the pedigree provided. From the information given, we can see that the son of G and H, labeled I, is not mentioned in terms of the disease or being a carrier. Since the son I is not given any indication of being affected, we cannot infer anything about his chances of having the disease or carrying the gene for the disease from the information provided. So, the correct answer is: Child I has no chance of having the disease and no chance of carrying the disease.

5. Down syndrome is caused by having an extra copy of chromosome 21, resulting in a total of three copies instead of the usual two copies. It is not a sex-linked trait because it can occur in both males and females. Therefore, the correct answer is: The result of having an extra chromosome.