Find the percent of 42377 books

i don't understand how to find percents

You don't have enough information to calculate percent. If we had a total of 42,377 books and we sold some of them

%books sold=(# books sold/42,377)x100

the question says:
For 1980, find the percent of all new ooks and new editions that were published in each subject area


Total New books and new editions=42377

%art books = (1,691/42,377)x100=3.99%

%educ books=(1,011/42,377)x100=2.39%
I should point out that adding all of the books together does not equal 42,377 but that's ok. For that reason the percent will not total 100%.
Do fiction, juvenile, and literature the same way. Check my work.

To find the percent of all new books and new editions that were published in each subject area, you need to calculate the percentage for each subject separately.

Let's take the example of Art books:

Step 1: Calculate the percentage for Art books.
% Art books = (Number of Art books / Total number of new books and new editions) x 100
% Art books = (1691 / 42377) x 100 = 3.99%

Similarly, you can calculate the percentages for Education books, Fiction books, Juvenile books, and Literature books using the same formula.

Here are the results for each subject:

% Education books = (1011 / 42377) x 100 = 2.39%
% Fiction books = (2835 / 42377) x 100 = 6.69%
% Juvenile books = (2859 / 42377) x 100 = 6.74%
% Literature books = (1686 / 42377) x 100 = 3.98%

It's important to note that when you add up all the percentages, they might not total 100% due to rounding errors or if there are other subject areas not mentioned in the question.