These paragraphs must consist of at least four sentences, but I have only written one for each of them. Can you assist me in writing the others?

1. Write a paragraph discussing the courage demonstrated by Martin Luther King Jr.

What I have written: Willing to risk his life and possible harm to his family to his family to promote equality, Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered as a man of expectional courage.

2. Write a paragraph describing Rosa Park's courage.

What I have written: Rosa Parks, an African American woman who had the courage to say "no" to her oppressor, demonstrated the impact one person can make in a fight for change.

I think you need to turn things around in order to write full paragraphs for these questions.

For #1 ~
Sentence 1: Martin Luther King, Jr., is remembered as a man of exceptional courage.
Sentence 2: [Example of risking harm to himself and family]
Sentence 3: [Example of risking his life}
Sentence 4: He was willing to risk his and his family's lives in order to promote equality.

For #2 ~
Sentence 1: Rosa Parks was an African-American woman who had the courage to say "no" to her oppressors.
Sentence 2: [Example... ]
Sentence 3: [Example... ]
Sentence 4: She demonstrated the positive effects one person can have while fighting for change.

Do you understand why I'm making these suggestions?

1. In his relentless pursuit of civil rights, Martin Luther King Jr. stood steadfast in the face of adversity, displaying unwavering courage. His speeches and acts of civil disobedience challenged the deeply ingrained racism that permeated American society. Despite numerous threats to his safety and the safety of his loved ones, King remained resolute in his belief in nonviolent protest. He understood the risks involved but chose to confront injustice head-on, mobilizing millions of people to join the cause for equality. His courage aligned with his unwavering commitment to justice, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

2. Rosa Parks, a courageous African American woman, rose to prominence for her refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. This act of defiance defied the discriminatory laws of the time and ignited the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement. By taking a stand against segregation, Parks sent a powerful message that resonated far beyond the bus walls. Despite facing backlash and threats, she remained steadfast in her conviction, inspiring others to challenge the oppressive systems that had deprived African Americans of their rights. Rosa Parks' courage fueled the momentum for change and transformed her into a symbol of resistance and hope.