Please correct!!

Gulliver's Travels questions

3.) How are the people of Brobdingnag different from the people of Lilliput? Choose the best answer.

A.) The Lilliputians are much more peaceful
B.) A king instead of a queen rules the Lilliputians,
C.) The Lilliputian ministers are more corrupt
D.) The Brobdingnagians are larger than Gulliver

I answered: A

4.) The author most likely describes Gulliver's fight with the wasps in this fantasy to...

A.) Explain the behaviors of insects
B.) Entertain you with a humorous idea
C.) Make a serious message about politics
D.) Show you how insects perceived Gulliver

I answered: C

5.) The author most likely has Gulliver stress the king of Brobdingnag's intelligence so that you will...

A.) Question the need for government in a modern society
B.) Believe the queen's comments that Gulliver is a coward
C.) Agree with the king that England's government is flawed
D.) Support the king's desire to invade and conquer England

I answered: A

6.) Why do the Lilliputians agree to free Gulliver?

A.) Skyresh Bolgolam orders his immediate release
B.) He behaves reasonably and asks for liberty
C.) He sets forth articles governing his freedom
D.) They expect him to fight for Blefuscu

I answered: B

7.) Gulliver convinces the people in Brobdingnag and Lilliput that he is friendly when he...

A.) Carries thing for them to show his usefulness
B.) Signs papers that say he agrees to fight for them
C.) Uses gestures to show his surrender to them
D.) Yells at them until they can understand his speech

I answered: B

8.) The best description of the king of Brobdingnag's reaction to Gulliver's historical account of England is...

A.) Astonishment at the number of wars
B.) Surprise at the generosity of the people
C.) Indignation that the English system is better
D.) Confusion because of the government's power

I answered: C

I already checked your answer for 1. Why did you change your correct answer?

Oops! That was a typo. I meant to put D.

Could you check the others please??

It's been a long time since I've read this book, but I believe 5, 7, and 8 are wrong.

The author most likely has Gulliver stress the king of Brobdingnag's intelligence so that you will... Agree with the king that England's government is flawed.

Gulliver convinces the people in Brobdingnag and Lilliput that he is friendly when he... Uses gestures to show his surrender to them

The best description of the king of Brobdingnag's reaction to Gulliver's historical account of England is... Astonishment at the number of wars

Thank you!!!

Your answers are mostly correct! Let me confirm and explain the correct answers to each question:

3.) The correct answer is D.) The Brobdingnagians are larger than Gulliver. This is the main physical difference between the people of Brobdingnag and the Lilliputians. Gulliver is small compared to the Brobdingnagians, whereas he is large compared to the Lilliputians.

4.) The correct answer is B.) Entertain you with a humorous idea. The author describes Gulliver's fight with the wasps in a humorous way to entertain the readers.

5.) The correct answer is C.) Agree with the king that England's government is flawed. The author emphasizes the king of Brobdingnag's intelligence to highlight the flaws in England's government and provoke readers to think critically about their own society.

6.) The correct answer is A.) Skyresh Bolgolam orders his immediate release. In the story, Gulliver is freed because Skyresh Bolgolam, an important figure in the government, orders for his release.

7.) The correct answer is A.) Carries things for them to show his usefulness. Gulliver convinces the people in Brobdingnag and Lilliput that he is friendly by performing useful tasks for them, such as carrying things or building structures.

8.) The correct answer is B.) Surprise at the generosity of the people. The king of Brobdingnag is surprised by the generosity of the English people as depicted in Gulliver's historical account of England.

Overall, good job on your answers! Keep up the effort in understanding the context of the story and analyzing the characters and events.