Corey et al. does an excellent job addressing the initial stages of a group. In the workbook, they challenge you to think about a group you want to lead and how what you viewed in the video might be modified for your group. Discuss how you can implement these techniques in your group. Make sure to properly cite your sources and reference your citations at the end.

To discuss how to implement the techniques addressed by Corey et al. in your own group, you first need to become familiar with the specific techniques mentioned in the video and workbook. Consider the following steps:

1. Review the video and workbook content: Carefully watch the video and study the accompanying workbook to understand the techniques and concepts introduced by Corey et al. Take notes on key points and observations.

2. Identify the techniques applicable to your group: Reflect upon the characteristics, goals, and needs of your group. Consider the aspects that may align with the techniques discussed in Corey et al.'s materials. Pay attention to ideas such as forming group norms, promoting effective communication, building trust, and establishing clear goals and roles.

3. Analyze how the techniques need to be modified: Each group is unique, so it's important to analyze how the techniques discussed in the video can be adapted to your specific group. Consider the group's demographic composition, purpose, and any specific challenges or conditions you may encounter. Identify necessary modifications to take into account these factors.

4. Develop a plan: Create a plan for implementing the modified techniques in your group. Outline the specific steps you will take and the timeline for their implementation. Consider things like creating opportunities for open communication, setting ground rules or norms, facilitating team-building exercises, and providing clear guidance on goals and roles.

5. Communicate and involve group members: When implementing the techniques, it is essential to communicate with your group members and involve them in the process. Explain the importance of the techniques, how they benefit the group, and how each member can contribute. Encourage open discussions and feedback to ensure everyone feels heard and involved.

6. Monitor progress and make adjustments: Regularly monitor the progress of your group and assess the effectiveness of the implemented techniques. Observe group interactions, solicit feedback from members, and adapt your approach accordingly. A flexible and iterative process will help refine the techniques and ensure their ongoing success.

It is important to note that while this explanation provides a general framework for incorporating techniques from Corey et al.'s work, the specific techniques may vary depending on the content and context of the video and workbook. Ensure to review the material and adapt accordingly.

Remember to cite the specific sources related to Corey et al.'s video and workbook in your discussion, using appropriate citation styles such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. Additionally, include a reference list at the end of your discussion to provide a complete and accurate reference for readers.


- Corey, G., Corey, M. S., Corey, C., & Haynes, R. (Year of Publication). Title of the video. [Video file]. Publisher. (If applicable)
- Corey, G., Corey, M. S., & Haynes, R. (Year of Publication). Title of the workbook. Publisher. (If applicable)