were can i find a description on the government branches



These two sites will give you an excellent overview.

To find a description of the government branches, you can start by searching online. One reliable source is "www.evgschool.org," which provides information specifically on the three branches of the government. On their website, you can find a detailed description of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Another reliable source is "bensguide.gpo.gov," which offers educational resources for students. They have a section specifically dedicated to government branches, providing descriptions and explanations in a user-friendly format.

Additionally, "usgovinfo.about.com" is another helpful website that covers various government topics. On their homepage, you can find an index of articles related to government branches. These articles are a great resource for getting a comprehensive understanding of the U.S. government structure.

By visiting these sites and exploring their content, you will find the information you need to learn about the government branches and their functions.