Find a slope if it exists, please.



That's called the slope-intercept form, so read off the slope.

To find the slope of the equation 9x - y = 9, we need to rearrange the equation into slope-intercept form, which is in the form y = mx + b. In this form, m represents the slope.

Let's transform the given equation to slope-intercept form:

9x - y = 9

First, let's isolate the y term by subtracting 9x from both sides:

-y = -9x + 9

Next, multiply every term by -1 to make the y term positive:

y = 9x - 9

Now we can see that the equation is in slope-intercept form, where the coefficient of x (9) is the slope of the line. Therefore, the slope of the line represented by the equation 9x - y = 9 is 9.