I have a 7 in the tens place a 3 in the hundred thousand place a 4 in the tenths place and a 1 in the thousandths place what number am I?

What about the other places?

7 _ . 4 _ 1 _ 3

I don't know that's what i got and then i got confused so i posted the question for help

Hm. I get

3 _ _, _ 7 _ . 4 _ 1

I goofed. Steve is right.

To determine the number based on the given place values, we need to arrange the digits in the correct order. Given that the digit 7 is in the tens place, the digit 3 is in the hundred thousand place, the digit 4 is in the tenths place, and the digit 1 is in the thousandths place, we can put them together to form the number.

The correct order would be as follows:
- Hundred thousand: 3
- Ten thousand: 0 (no digit given)
- Thousand: 0 (no digit given)
- Hundred: 0 (no digit given)
- Tens: 7
- Ones: 0 (no digit given)
- Tenths: 4
- Hundredths: 0 (no digit given)
- Thousandths: 1

Putting it all together, the number would be 3070.041.