What are some real-life examples of exponential decay? Please help me think of some ideas...except radioactive decay.

wikipedia has a nice article, with examples in the natural sciences.

Sure! Exponential decay is a common phenomenon in various real-life situations. Here are a few examples:

1. Population Decline: The population of certain endangered species can experience exponential decay if their habitat is destroyed or if there is a decrease in resources, leading to a decline in their numbers over time.

2. Medicine or Drug Decay: Certain medications or drugs have a half-life, which is the time it takes for half of the substance to decay. The decay of drugs in our bodies often follows an exponential decay pattern, where the concentration decreases rapidly over time.

3. Carbon Dating: While it involves radioactive decay, carbon dating can be considered a real-life example of exponential decay. It estimates the age of organic materials by measuring the remaining amount of radioactive carbon-14 isotopes.

4. Financial Investments: The decay of investments can also follow an exponential decay pattern. For example, if you invest a certain amount of money in a high-interest savings account and continuously withdraw smaller amounts, the remaining balance will decrease exponentially over time.

5. Sound Intensity: In acoustics, sound intensity gradually decreases as the distance from the source increases. The decrease in sound intensity follows an exponential decay pattern known as the inverse square law.

To find additional examples, you can think of situations where a quantity or measurement decreases over time or space in a consistent pattern. Look for scenarios where the decrease is proportional to the current amount, leading to an exponential decay relationship.