An athletes long jump rounded to the nearest metre was 8 m. What are the longest and shortest lengths the jump could have been in decimals to the hundredths.

7.50 <= x <= 8.49


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To determine the longest and shortest lengths the jump could have been in decimals to the hundredths, we need to consider the range of possible values when rounding the length of the jump to 8 meters.

When rounding, the general rule is to round up if the digit immediately to the right of the desired decimal place is 5 or greater, and round down if it is 4 or less.

For the given situation where the jump was rounded to the nearest meter as 8 meters, we need to consider the possible values within a range of ±0.5 meters from the rounded value.

The longest length would be the rounded value plus 0.5 meters, while the shortest length would be the rounded value minus 0.5 meters.

Longest length: 8 meters + 0.5 meters = 8.5 meters
Shortest length: 8 meters - 0.5 meters = 7.5 meters

Therefore, the longest length the jump could have been is 8.5 meters, and the shortest length it could have been is 7.5 meters.