what was Scribner's monthly, "a georgia plantation" about?


why don't you read it?


The book you mentioned, "A Georgia Plantation" by Francis Butler Simkins, was actually released by the publishing company Scribner's Monthly. Scribner's Monthly, also known as The Century Magazine, was a popular American literary magazine that published articles, stories, and essays during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

To find out what "A Georgia Plantation" is about, you can try the following steps:

1. Start by searching for the book's summary or reviews online. Many websites, such as Goodreads or Amazon, often provide a brief synopsis or overview of the book's content. You can search for the specific title along with the author's name to easily find relevant results.

2. Look for book reviews or analyses by literary critics or scholars. These sources often delve deeper into the themes, characters, and plot of the book, providing a more comprehensive understanding of its content. Academic databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar might offer scholarly articles and reviews related to "A Georgia Plantation."

3. Visit your local library or bookstore to access the book directly. By reading the book itself, you can gain firsthand knowledge of its storyline, characters, and themes. Libraries usually have a wide range of books available, so you can check if "A Georgia Plantation" is part of their collection.

4. If you cannot find the book locally, consider accessing it through various online platforms, such as e-books or audiobooks. Websites like Project Gutenberg, Librivox, or Amazon Kindle may have digital versions of the book available for download or purchase.

Remember, each of these steps will help you gather information about the content of "A Georgia Plantation" and provide you with a better understanding of its subject matter, allowing you to answer your question more accurately.