if yor-100m in mine a shaft and the lift take you down another 200m calculate your new level bank account is at -130and deposit R55 later draw R20 new bank account

Nice, Robot. Nice.

To calculate your new level after going down the shaft, you need to add the depth of the shaft to your current depth.

Given that you are currently at -100m and the lift takes you down another 200m, the calculation would be:

-100m + (-200m) = -300m

Therefore, your new level would be -300m.

Now, let's calculate your new bank account balance.

If your bank account is currently at -130 and you deposit R55, you need to add the deposit to the current balance:

-130 + 55 = -75

So, after the deposit, your bank account balance is -75.

Lastly, if you later draw R20 from your bank account, you need to subtract the withdrawal from the current balance:

-75 - 20 = -95

Therefore, your new bank account balance is -95.

To calculate your new level in the mine shaft, you need to subtract the depth of the lift (200m) from your initial level (-100m). Therefore, the calculation would be:

New level = Initial level - Lift depth
New level = -100m - 200m
New level = -300m

So, your new level in the mine shaft is -300m.

Moving on to the bank account calculations, let's go step by step. Since you started with a bank account balance of -130, that means you owe the bank money.

1. Deposit: You deposit R55 into your account.
Bank account = Initial balance + Deposit
Bank account = -130 + 55
Bank account = -75

2. Withdrawal: You then withdraw R20 from your account.
Bank account = Current balance - Withdrawal
Bank account = -75 - 20
Bank account = -95

Therefore, your new balance in the bank account after depositing R55 and withdrawing R20 is -95. Note that the negative sign indicates an account balance owed to the bank.