Hello I v got 4 question with answers .. Could somebody check that for me,please. 1.If two angles of a triangle add up to 110^what is the size of the third angle? I think is 55 2.Three children shared £6 Bred received 1/4 Lynsey was given 1/3 and James got 1/8.How much money was left over?I think is £1.50 3. Write as a decimal the difference between 3/8m and 5/8m I think is 0.25 4.Philip measured the diameter of £1 coin and found it to be 22 1/2mm.He placed 4 coins side by side in a straight line.Calculate the lenght of the line.I think is 90mm

180 - 110 = 70

6 - 6/4 - 6/3 - 6/8 = 1.75

yes 0.25

22.5 * 4 = 90 yes