Quinn used a scale drawing to build a soccer field near his school. Initially, he wanted the field to be 28 yards long and 17.5 yards wide. He decided to change the length of the field to 36 yards. If the width is to be changed by the same scale factor, what is the new width of the field? Express your answer to the nearest tenth.

Cross multiply and solve for w

28/17.5 = 36/w

28w = 630

w = 22.5 yards

never gonna give you the right answer

To find the new width of the field, we need to determine the scale factor that Quinn used to change the length from 28 yards to 36 yards.

The scale factor can be found by dividing the new length by the original length:

Scale factor = New length / Original length = 36 yards / 28 yards

Calculating this expression, the scale factor is approximately 1.2857.

Since the scale factor is applied to both the length and width, we can find the new width by multiplying the original width by the scale factor:

New width = Original width * Scale factor = 17.5 yards * 1.2857

Calculating this expression, the new width of the field is approximately 22.45 yards when rounded to the nearest tenth.



17.5/28 = x/36

Solve for x.