The suggested retail price for a new car is p dollars. The dealership advertises a 10% discount and a factory rebate of $1500. Write a function S in terms of p, representing the cost of the car after receiving the dealership discount.

S = 0.9p - 1500

To find the cost of the car after receiving the dealership discount, we need to subtract the discount from the original price.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the original price of the car, which is p dollars.

2. Apply the dealership discount of 10% to the original price. To calculate this, we need to multiply the original price by 10% (or 0.10 since 10% is equivalent to 0.10).

The discount amount = 0.10 * p dollars

3. Subtract the discount amount from the original price to get the cost of the car after the dealership discount:

Cost after dealership discount = original price - discount amount

= p dollars - (0.10 * p dollars)

= p dollars - 0.10p dollars

= (1 - 0.10) * p dollars

= 0.90 * p dollars

Therefore, the function S(p) representing the cost of the car after receiving the dealership discount would be:

S(p) = 0.90p dollars