Spring on Incline

The block in the figure is initially at rest on an inclined plane at the equilibrium position that it would have if there were no friction between the block and the plane. How much work is required to move the block 25 cm down the plane if the frictional coefficient is μ = 0.?

How much work is required to move the block 25 cm down the plane if the frictional coefficient is μ = 0.16?

30 degree incline
M=2.0 kg
K= 40 N/m

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To calculate the work required to move the block down the plane, we need to consider the forces acting on the block.

- Mass of the block, M = 2.0 kg
- Spring constant, K = 40 N/m
- Incline angle, θ = 30 degrees

1. First, let's calculate the force of gravity acting on the block.
The force of gravity, F_gravity, can be calculated using the formula:
F_gravity = M * g
Where g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).

F_gravity = 2.0 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 19.6 N

2. Next, let's calculate the normal force, F_normal, acting perpendicular to the incline.
The normal force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the component of gravity perpendicular to the incline.
F_normal = M * g * cos(θ)

F_normal = 2.0 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * cos(30 degrees) ≈ 33.9 N

3. Now, let's determine the force of friction, F_friction.
The force of friction, F_friction, is given by the equation:
F_friction = μ * F_normal
Where μ is the coefficient of friction.

a) If μ = 0, there is no friction. So, F_friction = 0.
b) If μ = 0.16, we can calculate the force of friction as follows:
F_friction = 0.16 * 33.9 N = 5.4 N

4. To find the displacement work done by the force of gravity along the plane, we can use the equation:
Work_gravity = F_gravity * d
Where d is the displacement along the plane.

Work_gravity = 19.6 N * 0.25 m = 4.9 J

5. To find the displacement work done by the force of friction along the plane, we can use the equation:
Work_friction = F_friction * d

a) If μ = 0, F_friction = 0, so Work_friction = 0 J.
b) If μ = 0.16, Work_friction = 5.4 N * 0.25 m = 1.35 J

Therefore, the answers to the given questions are:
- When μ = 0, the work required to move the block 25 cm down the plane is 4.9 J.
- When μ = 0.16, the work required to move the block 25 cm down the plane is 1.35 J.