Felipe made a toy boat out of clay, but it kept sinking in water. He changed the boat's design by making it slightly wider than before. Why did Felipe's newly designed boat float on water?

A. He decreased the density by increasing the volume.

B. He decreased the density by decreasing the volume.

C. He increased the density by increasing the volume.

D. He increased the density by decreasing the volume.

My Answer is:

C. He increased the density by increasing the volume.

Increasing the density makes it sink.

mass = volume x density or
density = mass/volume.
Increasing v decreases d.

to sum it down the answers A

Wat are y’all the answers

Actually, your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is:

A. He decreased the density by increasing the volume.

To understand why the newly designed boat floated on water, we need to understand the concept of density. Density is the measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume. In this case, the boat made of clay was sinking in water because its density was greater than the density of water.

By making the boat slightly wider, which in turn increased its volume, Felipe effectively spread out the mass of the boat over a larger area. This means that the same amount of clay is now occupying a larger volume, which decreases the boat's overall density.

When the boat's density becomes less than the density of water, buoyant force comes into play. The buoyant force is the force exerted by a fluid, such as water, that opposes the weight of an immersed object. When the buoyant force is greater than or equal to the weight of the object, the object will float.

So, by increasing the volume of the clay boat, Felipe decreased its density, and allowed the buoyant force to become greater than the weight of the boat, causing it to float on water.