The series (4x-3)+(4x-3)^2+(4x-3)^ given for which values of X will the series converge??

To determine the values of x for which the series converges, we can use the concept of convergence of a series. In this case, we can analyze the series by examining the behavior of the terms as n approaches infinity.

The given series is (4x-3) + (4x-3)^2 + (4x-3)^3 + ...

Let's analyze the general term of the series, which can be expressed as (4x-3)^n.

For the series to converge, the general term must approach zero as n approaches infinity. So, we need to find the conditions under which (4x-3)^n approaches zero as n gets larger.

Consider the term (4x-3)^n.

For (4x-3)^n to approach zero, we need to ensure that the absolute value of (4x-3) is less than 1.

|4x-3| < 1

Now, we can solve this inequality to find the values of x for which the series converges.

We have two cases:

Case 1: (4x-3) > 0
If (4x-3) > 0, then the inequality becomes:

4x-3 < 1

Adding 3 to both sides:
4x < 4

Dividing both sides by 4:
x < 1

Case 2: (4x-3) < 0
If (4x-3) < 0, then the inequality becomes:

-(4x-3) < 1

Multiplying both sides by -1 (keep in mind that it reverses the inequality direction):
4x-3 > -1

Adding 3 to both sides:
4x > 2

Dividing both sides by 4:
x > 0.5

Therefore, combining the results from both cases, we can conclude that the series will converge for x values in the following range:

0.5 < x < 1

In summary, the given series will converge for x values between 0.5 and 1.