A soccer team played 16 games during their season. They won 75% of the games. How many games did the team win? How many games did the team lose?

16x75%=12 they won

16-12=4 they lost

To find out how many games the team won, we need to calculate 75% of the total number of games they played.

Step 1: Calculate 75% of 16.
To calculate 75% of a number, you can multiply the number by 0.75.
0.75 * 16 = 12

So, the team won 12 games.

Now, to find out how many games the team lost, we can subtract the number of games they won from the total number of games they played.

Step 2: Calculate the number of games lost.
Total games - Games won = Games lost
16 - 12 = 4

Therefore, the team lost 4 games.