1. There are 18 boys and 12 girls in a math class.what is the ratio of girls to total students?


B.12:30(I PICK THIS)



2.which of the following ratios are equivalent to 6:9? Choose all that apply.




D.24/32(I PICK THIS)

3.what is the unit price for one CD if CDs cost 30.00?

A. $9.00

B. $8.00

C. $10.00(I PICK THIS)

D. $9.50

4.milo types 35 words per many words can he type in 7 minutes?

A.245 words(I PICK THIS)

B.240 words

C.250 words

D.275 words the pairs of ratios that form a proportion.

A. 3:6 and 5:10(I PICK THIS)

B.4/12 and 6/18

C. 20/5 and 10/3

D. 24:36 and 8:9

6. Solve the proportion


A. P=14


C. P=48

D. P=50

7.which is the better buy?

1. 5 oranges for 1.60

2.7 oranges for 2.45



C.They are both equally good values.

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Let's go through each question and check the answers:

1. There are 18 boys and 12 girls in a math class. To find the ratio of girls to total students, you need to add the number of boys and girls and then compare the number of girls to the total. In this case, the total number of students is 18 + 12 = 30. Therefore, the ratio of girls to the total number of students is 12:30, which simplifies to 2:5. Based on the options given, the correct answer is B. 12:30.

2. The given ratio is 6:9. To check which ratios are equivalent, you need to simplify each ratio. Simplifying 6:9 yields 2:3. Let's check the options:
- Option A, 3:2: This is not equivalent to 6:9.
- Option B, 18/27: Simplifying this fraction gives 2/3, which is equivalent to 6:9. So, this is one of the correct answers.
- Option C, 30:45: This simplifies to 2:3, which is equivalent to the given ratio.
- Option D, 24/32: Simplifying this fraction yields 3/4, which is not equivalent to 6:9.

The correct answers are B. 18/27 and C. 30:45.

3. To find the unit price for one CD, you need to divide the total cost of the CDs by the number of CDs. In this case, the CDs cost $30.00, so the unit price for one CD is $30.00 divided by 1, which equals $30.00. Therefore, the correct answer is C. $10.00.

4. If Milo types 35 words per minute, then to find how many words he can type in 7 minutes, you need to multiply the number of words per minute by the number of minutes. So, 35 words per minute multiplied by 7 minutes equals 245 words. Therefore, the correct answer is A. 245 words.

5. To check if pairs of ratios form a proportion, you need to ensure that the cross products are equal. Let's evaluate the options provided:
- Option A, 3:6 and 5:10: Cross-multiplying, we get 3 * 10 = 6 * 5, which is true. So, this pair forms a proportion.
- Option B, 4/12 and 6/18: Cross-multiplying, we get 4 * 18 = 12 * 6, which is not true. So, this pair does not form a proportion.
- Option C, 20/5 and 10/3: Cross-multiplying, we get 20 * 3 = 5 * 10, which is true. So, this pair forms a proportion.
- Option D, 24:36 and 8:9: Cross-multiplying, we get 24 * 9 = 36 * 8, which is not true. So, this pair does not form a proportion.

Based on the evaluation, the correct answer is A. 3:6 and 5:10.

6. To solve the proportion 2/3 = 8/P, you need to cross-multiply and solve for P. Covert the equation to: 2P = 3 * 8, which simplifies to 2P = 24. Next, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate P, giving P = 24/2, which simplifies to P = 12. Therefore, the correct answer is B. P = 12.

7. To determine which option is the better buy, you need to compare the cost per orange. For the first option, the price is $1.60 for 5 oranges, which means each orange costs $1.60/5 = $0.32. For the second option, the price is $2.45 for 7 oranges, which means each orange costs $2.45/7 ≈ $0.35. Comparing the cost per orange, the first option is cheaper at $0.32 per orange. Therefore, the correct answer is A. Option 1.

I hope this helps!